Contrary to popular misconceptions there is no room for anger and agression in boxing. Boxers are calm and focussed when they step into the ring. It requires a great deal of technical skill, extremely high levels of fitness and controlled responses

Code of Conduct 

Officials of the club (Officers, Coaches and Committee members):

  1. Follow all policies and procedures laid down by England Boxing
  2. Abide by the rules of the club
  3. Adopt a high standard of behaviour, setting example to others
  4. Promote discipline and fairness at all times
  5. Earn the trust and respect of all participants through professionalism

Parents/carers of under 16s:

  1. ​​Encourage your child to abide by the rules of the club

  2. Discourage dissent/confrontation with Coaches, Officers and Committee member
  3. Do not force your child into participation
  4. Never punish your child for underperforming
  5. Help your child to enjoy the sport

Members/ participants:

  1. Respect your fellow members, including Coaches and staff
  2. Respect the gym, its equipment and facilities including toilets and changing rooms
  3. Respect the Club; you are a representative of the Club. Inside AND outside of the  gym
  4. Arrive on time! It’s your time, you’ve paid for it. Do not disrupt members by arriving late
  5. Wear appropriate clothing for training. NO OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR

Please respect the following Club Rules and DO NOT hassle volunteer staff to make exceptions. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry and/or ban existing members and/or their parents/guardians if they do not comply - Thank You 

Club Rules

Listen to your Coach -

STOP means STOP!!


Failure to listen and follow instruction can result in serious injury to you or someone else, and you may be asked to leave the gym 

Members will be BANNED if found guilty of ANY of the following:






Protective headguards 

....and gumshields MUST be worn when sparring. NO EXPECTIONS

ALL sparring be supervised by a qualified England Boxing Level 2 Coach

All coaching staff 

....working with under 18s MUST be DBS approved, a qualified First Aider and registered with England Boxing

Paying gym users

....and DBS cleared coaches are the ONLY people allowed on the gym floor as per England Boxing rules on Safeguarding & Protection of children


....of children aged 9-16 years are to drop off and collect thier chile and provide an up to date contact phone number 

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© New Saints ABC. Affiliated to England Boxing. Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) registered